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Marketing & Strategies to Promote Your Shopify Mobile App

Shopify is an incredibly useful platform because it has an app store with more than 6,000 useful apps. But that makes it harder for accidental downloaders to come across your app.

The key to success in Shopify mobile app marketing is to plan ahead, try new things on a regular basis, and never give up. Some tried-and-true approaches to promoting a Shopify app are provided below.

Start creating your own mobile app for free!

What is Shopify Mobile App Marketing?

Using the Shopify mobile app, you can implement a marketing strategy called “mobile app marketing,” which is designed to help you connect with your ideal customers at every stage of the buying process.

Promotion of your Shopify mobile app is the first step in mobile app marketing. Then, it will prompt them to set it up. You can keep them interested and active with push notifications after they’ve successfully registered thanks to the streamlined sign-up process.

Mobile app promotion is all about giving your app a voice and keeping your audience interested. There needs to be so much buzz about your app that users can’t help but download it.

What is Shopify Mobile App Marketing

Why Is Shopify Mobile App Marketing Important & Their Benefits

Increasing one’s customer profile, clientele, and sales is a goal shared by all businesses. Similarly to any other product, Shopify Mobile apps require extensive and relevant promotion to gain traction with users.

Imagine you developed a fantastic app with a ton of cool features. In order to get the word out about your products or services, you need a solid plan for getting in front of your ideal customers and key users (mobile app users).

Therefore, app marketing enables you to communicate with users at every stage of their journey, from the moment they first hear about your app to the point at which they become dedicated supporters of your business.

Successful promotions bring you the next benefits:

10 Effective Shopify Mobile App Marketing

Describe the structure you’re developing in the text

This is advertising in its most subtle form. It’s not a traditional advertisement, so it’s more likely that you and your readers will want to spread the word about it, and it will serve as a sneaky way to introduce your product to new customers. While it’s true that writing takes time, it’s also true that, historically speaking, the return on investment is much higher than with other, more conventional forms of marketing.

Implement a system of automated marketing

To free up time to focus on the product and other endeavors, it’s crucial to implement as much automated marketing as possible.

If you spend time creating content to promote your app, such as an article, you should make the most of simple opportunities to distribute that content, especially if that distribution can be set to occur automatically.

Create case studies and gather endorsements

Whether you’re pitching your app to the Executive or a specialized decision maker responsible for completing the implementation, you can benefit from the help of a select group of power users who can serve as compelling case studies.

Allow them to try out the app in beta and gather feedback along with some use cases. When your app is up against the hundreds of others that may perform similarly, having social proof makes it stand out more efficiently.

Be prepared to pitch your unique selling proposition

You developed this app to fulfill a particular need. Perhaps it’s a novel concept that hasn’t been tried before, or perhaps it’s an enhancement of already available apps.

However you plan to use your app, you should be able to explain exactly what sets it apart from the competition.

To make a good first impression, you need only keep a potential customer’s interest for the full ten seconds you have their attention.

Make sure your value proposition is crystal clear and can be understood by any potential customers whether you’re discussing your app with others or marketing your app on Twitter and other social media platforms.

Enter into Shoutem app builder and start creating your app!

10 Effective Shopify Mobile App Marketing

Of course, there are multiple types of mobile analytics you can use to optimize your app. Depending on the kind of app, one might be more beneficial than the other. But in most cases, combining them is highly recommended. 

Make your writing simple and direct

All the copy you write about your app will benefit greatly from your taking the time to crystallize exactly what it is that your product does. Get the word out there about how great your app is by emphasizing its many uses. Just because you can use fancy words doesn’t mean you should. Communicate in simple terms to ensure that everyone understands.

Boost your app’s product page’s creativity

Consumers know that visuals, such as videos and images, are the best way to convey this information, so they will quickly scroll through them. You can include videos and images in your Shopify App Store listing to better explain your app’s features to potential customers.

Facilitate the app store listing for resellers

Before deciding whether or not to install your app, merchants will view competing offerings side by side. You can increase the quality of your leads and have better conversion rates for your eCommerce business app by optimizing your listing for the comparison phase of the merchant’s journey.

Make an app icon that stands out and is visually appealing

Intimidating as it may be, creating that one graphic design element that users will interact with every time they see your product is a must.

The success and popularity of an app are greatly influenced by its icon, so it’s important that it’s one that stands out and is easy to recognize and remember for better customer engagement and customer experience with the app. Therefore, investing that time and energy can bear fruit in the end.

Design your onboarding return process with the long run in mind

Defining the desired end state for your lots of users is a crucial step in designing an onboarding experience that smoothly transitions into ongoing guidance. Once critical steps have been identified, you can provide scaffolding for them.

Methods for launching the action, assisting users with any problems they may encounter, and concluding the action in a way that points them in the right direction must be devised. When doing so, keep in mind the contexts in which your users may (or may not) come across your key actions.

To help them from where they are, you may need to use a combination of methods in your guidance. All these leaves you with better customer retention and churn rate and with loyal customers.

Develop Upsell and Retention Marketing Efforts

Maximizing your existing user base is one of the best ways to increase revenue after launching any kind of app and seeing it get downloaded. Customers can be viewed in different cohorts according to their signup dates, allowing us to predict when they are most likely to churn.

When we combine that with information about actions of users’ logins and in-app activity, we can determine which customers are most likely to churn and work to win them back, as well as which users are most likely to be interested in upgrading to a more expensive plan.

By analyzing this information, we can better interact with our customers, primarily by using marketing automation to reach out to inactive users, to build up lifetime customers, prompt their re-engagement, and highlight the benefits of logging in.

3 Examples of Shopify Mobile App Marketing

Push Notifications

The ability to maintain communication with the majority of customers is a major benefit of a mobile ecommerce solution. On its own, Shopify’s web platform presents barriers to interaction. Push notifications are far more effective than emails at generating engagement.

Since push notifications appear on a user’s mobile device in the same way as a text message, they are becoming increasingly popular. Compared to a promotional email lost in the depths of someone’s inbox, this one has a much better chance of being read and opened.

If you want to increase your Shopify sales, using push notifications is a must. One of the reasons mobile users mute push notifications is because of the constant stream of messages they receive.

Loyalty Programs

One of the most effective methods of customer retention is the use of a customer loyalty program. Individuals are encouraged to spend more money and make more frequent purchases when they participate in a customer loyalty functionality.

Your Shopify store’s revenue will increase thanks to both of these indicators and your customer acquisition costs will lower at the same time.

All of the best mobile shopping apps available today reward loyal customer returns with special perks and discounts (customer referral program).

Native mobile apps can now have customer loyalty program features thanks to plugins available for use with a simple mobile app builder. Your ability to encourage participation from your clientele’s end will be facilitated by this method.

Flexible Payment Options

If you have a mobile app, you can expand your customers’ payment options. Shopify merchants, please don’t presume that all customers will pay with major credit cards like Visa or Mastercard. One should provide as many payment choices as possible. Your checkout conversion rate will increase as a result of this.

By incorporating payment gateways and checkout features into your app, you can ensure that users can complete their purchase process as quickly as possible.

Enter into Shoutem app builder and start creating your app!

Shopify Mobile App Marketing FAQ

How do I grow my Shopify app?

Although organic growth is essential, putting effort into paid advertising campaigns is crucial for speeding up the rate at which your user base expands. The Shopify app or content you use can benefit from a paid push to increase its visibility on social media and search engines.

Does Shopify support the mobile app?

Getting your app up and running really is as simple as riding a bike and you can accomplish it in just a few steps. You can reach the 90 percent of people, smartphone users who use apps regularly and begin converting them into buyers with your brand new iOS and Android app.

What is the best way to market my Shopify store?

  • Utilize Shopify’s Push Notifications to announce discounts
  • Share discounts with a chatbot
  • Use popups on your website to gain potential customers’ contact details
  • Live chat is a great way to help customers who visit your product page
  • Having reviews from previous buyers can help build confidence in your products
  • Put an Instagram feed right on the main page

How do I sell my app on Shopify?

Create a bespoke app for a client, or use the Shopify API to create and sell an app that extends the capabilities of a client’s Shopify store. Make a free app and submit it to the Shopify App Store.

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